
googel Draw-Monster

 <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="660" height="369" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe> we are laerning to create our own images in google Draw we were making a monster with google Draw.
We are learning how to reply to comments in our blog that are positive and keep the conversation going

scams and phishing

We are learning how to identify scams and phishing emails when on the internet. You will learn what to look out for, and also what to do when you are unsure today we had to see if pop ups were ligit or fake.


We are larning what to do when we recieve an email or comment that: we don't like is not positive, thoughtful helpful makes us feel sad or uncomfortable. today we had to put houw we trust and put a pither of are face in this circil.

goggle doc commenting

We are learning how to effectively comment and communicate within our google docs.   today we  commented on a blog post.

goggle meets

Quality Blog Comments

We are learning to share comments that are positive, thoughtful and helpful. today we learnt how to hight light woulds and put comments in a box and it was fun.